Monday, January 12, 2009

Artist as Viewer

If you'll read down a couple of posts, you'll see that I use an infant as a metaphor for a work of art. Of course I was relating this to the experiences of a diverse viewership with an art piece. But that metaphor works another way for the artist. We are glad when a piece sells. But this oil on canvas painting of our local Methodist Church (2008, 24"x 20") sold before the paint was good and dry. And as such the photo I have of it is kind of blurry (my camera was on the blitz). Sometimes I like to experience a painting I've done for a while before I let it go. Maybe, after being the artist, I need to impart meaning to the painting as a viewer.


  1. I am familiar with church, and its beautiful setting. It is no wonder the painting sold before the paint was dry, so gorgeous, it is just as it is. Wonderful.

  2. This is a beautiful photo

    Ronnie and I help paint this Church a few years back.

    The same Ronnie that you did the painting of.

