Thursday, February 19, 2009

Breaking the Rules

Tina Steele Lindsey wrote in her blog not too long ago that she would at times "bend the rules" by using supports that she had been told would not work. Woo Hoo! You go girl! Give me an art rule and I am either going to figure how to break it successfully or confirm it just can't be done. Take this painting for example. It is oil and acrylic on canvas - only I painted the acrylic after the oil. It worked perfectly - the panes between the images are painted in acrylic and appear almost (but imperfectly) adhered on. Just what the doctor ordered.
"Attraction" 2006, 30"x40", acrylic and oil on canvas.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Ronnie was in the waiting room at my office whiling away the time (as we all do) when he happen to see this painting on the wall. He inquired of the receptionist whether Dr. Bell had "done that painting." She informed, yes, that it was someone Dr. Bell knew. Ronnie replied, " I know who it is. It's me!"
In fact many years earlier Ronnie had done some house painting for me during which time I made a photo of him. Several years passed, however, before I actually painted this. Happily he was pleased that I had "painted him" and I was pleased his likeness was so recognizable.
Ronnie's face has a lot of character which interested me as a potential subject for an art work (he's also quite an interesting guy). This has become a favorite of mine and now hangs permanently in my studio. Created in 2007, it is encaustic on canvas measuring 24 inches square. As always, click on the image for a larger view.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Artist's Block

I, like many artists, find myself in situations where I don't know what to paint - artist's block. But sometimes the work defines itself. This 48"x48" acrylic on canvas, I estimate, will be comprised of over 5000 colored triangles. So when I walk into my studio I know I what to do - paint triangles. Not always the most fun thing to do, but I am liking where this is going. I'll post the finished painting when done.